Saturday, September 23, 2006

Day 5

Unfortunately, it is raining, today. So, unless the skies open up, I don't think there will be any painting, today. That leaves me with 3 unfinished and 3 completed paintings. I've been spending time with Cherie, the Camp Director's wife, today, and will be packing up later on.

This will be my last post from the island, however I will probably be posting the completed paintings as I finish them in the near future. Also as next fall approaches, I will more than likely be posting what is happening as far as auctioning off the paintings for the camp.

I feel like a better artist. Painting 6-7 hours a day has really strengthened my endurance for painting long hours, has sharpened my abilities, and (I'm quite surprised at this) has gotten me excited about painting. I thought I would be really tired of painting by this point. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying the day off, but if the sun were to come out this moment, I'd be ready to suit up and head out again.

There is an excitement and urgency in capturing on canvas what beautiful things one sees. Being outside has been lots of fun (yes, even dealing with the dirt, cold and the bugs). This was a working retreat, however it was very beneficial to be rid of some of my regular daily responsibilities so that I could simply focus on art. I didn't have to cook for 5 days. . .it was a nice break, but I look forward to cooking again - I'm looking forward to getting back into my usual routine. It feels like starting fresh with a full pack of energy.

Thank you for reading and watching as I go.
Good bye from the Island. I will keep you updated on how this continues to pan out.
